Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Are The Negative Impacts On Children If Violence Occurs In Their School?

School is a place where children go to learn and be educated.  If students don’t have a positive environment to do this in, then they are at odds with developing the skills of problem solving that they will need for their future.  Each student is deserving of these skills and should be given the opportunity to have this in a nonviolent fashion.  Furthermore, schools main priority and goal for their students is education.  Educators can construct a reasonable and supportive environment that discourages violence by encouraging healthy relationships in schools.  By not having this in place, there could be significant negative impacts on children if violence were to be occurring in their school.
There are many factors in which violence portrays negatively on behalf of students who are attending school.  The problems that come about due to school violence are continual.  Violent children serve as a roadblock for other children’s future” (nssc.org).  While school violence happens, as an end result, there can be a negative effect to other children’s learning process.  Because of violence in school, completely normal children are not capable of concentrating on their studies, or worst they choose to skip school all together.  This in turn can have a negative effect on their future and has a direct impact on the student.  Moreover, it is crucial to end or limit school violence so that children can concentrate on their studies and be able to have a successful future.  Ending school violence is also important for our communities because children are the nation’s future.  Parents and teachers should therefore take on the responsibility of providing the right guidance, care, affection, support and love to children.  If they do this, they can significantly reduce the incidences of violence in school and the violent attitude present in the children who are experiencing delinquent behavior. 
Violence in schools can have a long lasting permanent effect on kids.  Youths who are victims of violence tend to take both a physical and mental toll.  Complex emotions and feelings tend to get disoriented and problems begin to happen.  Academic performance may get affected causing a decrease in productivity, “Students who have been the victims of a violent outburst or have experienced a traumatic event may suffer from poor academic performance” (ehow.com).  Not only does academic performance get affected but signs of depression and emotional distancing may occur, “When a student is exposed to violence, his emotions are run through the wringer.  Fear,confusion, grief and sometimes guilt can lead a student to begin questioning his own abilities or safety” (ehow.com).  Those exposed to violence begin to repress and avoid others, being anti-social.  This can have a traumatic psychological effect on the child.
School violence creates problems for not only victims but those in the surrounding neighborhood.  Violence can hinder the youth’s proper development and therefore have a negative effect on others in the community. Violence in schools has a significant negative effect on children in school.  Not only do those offending have psychological issues, but those who are victims do also.  Short and long term psychological problems can occur if school violence persists.  School violence has been linked to physical altercations, depression, suicide, rebellionism and the list goes on.  There is no positive result that can come from school violence.  It is essential for schools, teachers and parents to be proactive when violence occurs.  Schools should be a fun exciting place for youths to learn and socialize; not be bullied and afraid.  Implementations of after school programs and the support of parents, teachers and the community can help deter youth from violence and make a fun educative environment for the kids.


  1. Your blog was very interesting to me because it hit home for me I have experienced the behavior at my sons school. When the year started I thought I was going to work with my son because being an only child I have worked with him on sharing and playing with other kids. I was surprised because I didn't have any problems but when they returned from winter break they had transferred a new kid who had behavioral problems he was transferred from the full daycare programs to the half day preschool program. This little boy is a hand full the first week of class he hit my son among other kids and the teachers would remove him from class to give him time out and he would tell the teacher you stupid B!#%^ I am going to kick your A$^ and the kids started acting up. The second week he hit my son in the face during free time with a toy and that caused scratches near his eye, then not even a week later he grabbed my son by his shit shuck him and grabbed him by his neck and was chocking him and to top it off got on top of the table and pulled his pants down. The little girls were shocked and my son came home telling me that he didn't want to go back to school because this little boy would hit him and everyone in the class. I talked to the special education teacher because my sons teacher was out the day the incident occurred. I wanted to know what had happened and she told me that he had grabbed my son and shuck him a bit but no big deal. I was pretty irritated and I asked her why I wasn't informed of the incident and she said that she didn't consider it important. I just think that when there is a violent child in the class other students will follow or start to defend them selves. Having violent children/students is a safety hazard and will end up hurting other int he school.
    Many times parents do not want to admit that their child needs help and will just ignore the incidents. Not to mention that many live in a violent household.

  2. Wow! I'm sorry to hear your sad circumstance. I think it is unfortunate that faculty/staff do not step up in schools when they need to. I don't just blame this problem on the schools because I think parents are just as responsible. I do think that something has to be done though with troubled kids, because unfortunately I believe problems like yours is are escalating at a fast pace and it seems as if troubled kids are getting younger and younger nowadays. Good luck with your situation!

  3. This post is very interesting and true. i never looked at violence being a factor of whether a kid may be doing bad in school or can cause a negative impact. After reading your post it does make sense that violence in school can cause children many different ways of throwing them off task at school and can negatively effect them. Some children may be influenced by that violence and eventually join it which may turn into not caring about school. Some may let it gte to them by being scared to attend school because they are the ones who are being bullied. these are some good points you made.
