Thursday, March 3, 2011

Do violent video games influence negative behavior in adolescents?

Violence in schools is a growing epidemic in today’s times.  Why is it that violence in schools is being portrayed more extensively today than it has in the last 10-15 years?  Many individuals are concerned with video games influencing adolescent’s behavior negatively, causing them to “act out” the character represented in the video game.  Adolescents are typically expressing this type of behavior on school grounds or in their neighborhoods.  Research studies have shown that adolescents who are exposed to violent video games tend to illustrate more aggression during daily activities compared to those who are not.  

This graph illustrates that students with high hostility involved in physical altercations/fights were prone to playing violent video games.

 Further studies show that more and more adolescents are being treated for anger management than ever before and that this is linked to violent video games.  Video games in general have been shown to cause symptoms of addiction, which will in turn cause focus to deter from reality.  In adolescent years, this addiction can cause social confinement and lack of participation in school.  This can have a significant impact on the overall mental stability of the adolescent.  When this addiction is mixed with violent video games it can have an overwhelming impact on the individual and their surroundings. 
With recent video game technology, graphics and simulations are coming more life like.  For example, in older video games when someone was killed they would disappear, now when someone is killed there is blood and a life like simulation of how that person would really die.  An article discusses that the teens involved in the horrific Columbine incident, had strong ties to the video game Doom.  This video game was originally developed for the training of military personnel, but became a popular mainstream video game for adolescents.  The teenagers created their own version of Doom, which replicated what happened at Columbine.  There are also many other references linking violent video games to aggressive behavior in adolescents.              

Studies from National Institute of Neurological Disorders (NIND), show that adolescents who are exposed to violent video games become more desensitized from violence in the “real world.”  This causes the adolescent to view violence as being somewhat normal and okay.  Grafman from the NIND stated that, “Continued exposure to violent videos will make an adolescent less sensitive to violence, more accepting of violence and more likely to commit aggressive acts."  When a real life situation occurs the adolescent may use violence to resolve the issue because they believe it’s normal. 

In researching this topic, violence associated with adolescents, has been linked to violent video games whether in school or in the community.  Research studies have shown a rise in aggression in adolescents who interact with violent video games.  This over exposure to violence has caused a desensitization amongst the youth.  Adolescents reenact what they learn in these video games in real life situations, which in many cases causes negative effects.       

Chai, Carmen.  (2010, October 19). Violent TV, video games can desensitize teens: study. The Gazette,A.19.  Retrieved February 23, 2011, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2169754341).

Powell, C.. (2009). Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Policy.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38(3), 483-485.  Retrieved February 23, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1647884061).  Video Games:  A Cause of Violence and Aggression